I might have posted this before because I love it on a number of levels. The message is especially useful 70-ish days into a Trump administration, where there are stacked allegations, recusals, and now missile attacks.
I’m not implying we should ignore what’s going on – I just mean we need to activate and hold our representatives (and maybe neighbors) accountable for their words. Hate just creates more hate, and we’re not going to change anyone’s mind by calling them names. (Hasn’t worked on us, right?)
Anyhow, we can help it pass as soon as 2018, so start checking out the candidates in your district now. While you’re researching, check in with your current reps and let them know how you feel. There are lots of ways to find your government proxy: https://www.senate.gov/, http://whoismyrepresentative.com/, etc.
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